Investigación plástica de dibujo con enfoque Clínico.

Los dibujos a continuación parten de conceptos científicos y psiquiátricos. Estos mapas de Cabello, abren ventanas subjetivas a nuevas realidades, evidenciando la fragilidad de la realidad misma y dando origen a la aparición de otra realidad; cercana al movimiento y análisis interno del cerebro y a las rupturas temporales propia de los esquizofrénicos. Estas cartografías dan origen al dibujo esquizoide.
Clinical Plastic Research with an approach to drawing. The pictures below are based on scientific concepts and psychiatric. These hair maps, open subjective windows to new realities, demonstrating the fragility of reality itself and giving rise to the appearance of another reality, close to the movement and internal analysis of the brain and temporary breaks characteristic of schizophrenics. These maps give origin to the drawing schizoid.

27 feb 2012


Petit Mal
Hair drawing on glass.
Series of 3 drawings. 48cm X 48cm. each one.

There is a very mild seizure called absence, which can hardly be perceived by people, their only manifestation may be a rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring with disconnection of the medium, Petit Mal refers to an episode of interruption of brain function caused by abnormal electrical activity. It is characterized by an abrupt and short loss of consciousness or some other drastic change in behavior.

The series of drawings of 3 maps locate the electrodes to take a diagnostic test; the diagram shows possible conduits of energy through electrical channels that could create organic mechanical heads intertwined with human hair.

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