Investigación plástica de dibujo con enfoque Clínico.

Los dibujos a continuación parten de conceptos científicos y psiquiátricos. Estos mapas de Cabello, abren ventanas subjetivas a nuevas realidades, evidenciando la fragilidad de la realidad misma y dando origen a la aparición de otra realidad; cercana al movimiento y análisis interno del cerebro y a las rupturas temporales propia de los esquizofrénicos. Estas cartografías dan origen al dibujo esquizoide.
Clinical Plastic Research with an approach to drawing. The pictures below are based on scientific concepts and psychiatric. These hair maps, open subjective windows to new realities, demonstrating the fragility of reality itself and giving rise to the appearance of another reality, close to the movement and internal analysis of the brain and temporary breaks characteristic of schizophrenics. These maps give origin to the drawing schizoid.

15 feb 2012


Hair  Weaving in Crochet, ceramic objects

Neurocysticercosis is a study cranial neural body. The museum area is infected by a myriad of possible neuronal dendrites expand and redraw the atmosphere, forming infinite connections of micro bodies. Neurocysticercosis is a neurological degenerative organic growth and where the brain is affected by some calcifications usually located in the cerebellum, causing neurological disorders similar to schizophrenia. Pía has a history of the disease seems that his schizophrenia is associated with this benign pathology.

Installation is a site specific, consisting of bonded hair pieces and preserved tissue a similarity to the neuronal dendrites. Inside the ceramic pieces of chalky appearance and cranial areas are more amorphous and ceramic objects that evoke possible tumors or calcifications of the disease. Each object is outlined ceramic with a thin layer of hair similar to the arachnoid membrane. The pieces vary in size and extension, these potential neural cavities expand through space by radiation from a number of chain hair extensions that allow the connection tissue and invasion of other bodies and inhabited the same space museum.

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